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  • Hoteles Boutique de México - A curated collection for the discerning traveler

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    A memory I’ll never forget…

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    A memory I’ll never forget…

    Every travel made in our lives, whatever the reason or origin, will always leave an outstanding memory which will take us immediately to that moment every time it comes to our mind.

    One of Mexico Boutique Hotels’ primary objectives is to “create memorable travel experiences”. With the e-concierge service offered by this company, we go along the traveler in each step of their “boutique experience”, form the very moment of destination and hotel selection all the way to the arrival back at home.

    Within the tools that daily help us to improve our friends and customers’ experiences is the “Thank you and post-departure letter”. Through the opinions and comments received, we make an efficient measurement of the satisfaction degree both of the visits to member hotels and of the services received from our office and call center.

    One of our favorite questions in this letter is: Do you have any favorite moment in your trip you would like to share with us? This time we would like to share with you a few of the comments we have received from our customers, who have had the chance to liv eour experience:

    “An extremely cute and relaxing place; their having few rooms avoids the crowds, which invites you to rest and feel the silence and placidness of he place. One day we sat at the table with all the guests and shared a very pleasant talk of our lives and experiences. We had never felt this sociability in any other trip. In a way, it was very like a “family” reunion. – Customer in Chantli Mare Hotel, Costalegre Jalisco –

    “I have been a member of MBH for several years and I very much enjoy traveling, and not only physically; many times. From their webpage I can delight in dreamy landscapes, places and hotels; I have visited many boutique hotels recommended by you, you are always my first search option when I want to take a trip”. – Customer member of the Mexico Boutique Hotels Loyalty Club.-

    “We took a chaise longue to the covered area in the pier and gazed the sunset from there, It was a very special and magical moment for us, the best pictures of our honeymoon were taken from there. – Cliente Blue Sky Hotel customer – Tulum –

    “We spent some magnificent days, I theink the best vacations we have ever had. As part of your offer, we have stayed at other hotels and have spent excellent times, but in regards to service, none as Quinta Luna. Excellent service! In the morning we asked for freshly-baked bread and they fetched it for us, they never said no to any of our requests. The romantic night was masterfully organized. We really felt better than at home”.– Hotel La Quinta Luna customer, Cholula Puebla –

     “The hotel facilities met our comfort needs. However, what makes the difference is clearly the personalized treatment this place greets you with, providing a sense of sheltering more than a hotel. The general mood of the hotels registered at MBH is like this, but it is worth mentioning the value of this Costalegre corner. – Cliente Hotel Chantli Mare customer, Costalegre Jalisco –

    “We felt very welcome; the simplicity, the enchantment of the place and its location make for an excellent combination. The best view of all Puerto Vallarta can be found right there! The room, very comfortable with a precious view. The best part was the pool on the terrace with a stunning view!”. – Cliente Luna Liquida Hotel customer, Puerto Vallarta-

    These comments undoubtedly enrich us and encourage us to a continuous and constant improvement. How would you complete the phrase?


    Angela Ortega

    Nacida en el centro del país, pero pasando la mayor parte de su vida en el bello estado de Nayarit adquirió el amor por esas tierras y por las bellezas naturales que estas poseen. Con la firme convicción de ser gestora del crecimiento turístico en el estado y en el país, estudio la Licenciatura en Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico en la Universidad Tecnológica de Nayarit. De manera inmediata al finalizar sus estudios se incursionó en el mundo de la hotelería en Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, una cuidad icono del país, bien conocida por su amplia oferta hotelera. Estar inmersa en ese ámbito y desempeñando diversos puestos en diferentes áreas, le permitió desarrollar sus habilidades de trabajo en equipo, de espíritu de servicio, así como aprender los estándares de operación de un gran complejo hotelero. Pasados un par años y por motivos personales se retiro de la hoteleria, pero la vida puso en su camino a Hoteles Boutique de México, una empresa con convicciones muy similares a las personales, las cuales involucran representar a México ante el mundo como una marca que garantiza escenarios memorables gracias a sus bellezas naturales poseídas, así como un excelente trato por parte de una población que por herencia es servicial y buena anfitriona. Actualmente funge como Chief E-Concierge and Travel Designer en la empresa antes mencionada, ofreciendo día a día al viajero la oportunidad vivir una experiencia diferente donde la atención a los detalles hacen una enorme diferencia.

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