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Gran Casa Sayula invite us to celebrate the Second Gastronomic Festival of the Raspberry, starting with the harvest season in October. The restaurant of Gran Casa Sayula, who proudly carries the name of this local product, has designed an harmony of flavors between traditional dishes, local flavors and creative proposals that converge in endless culinary possibilities.
In this second edition the invited restaurant is “La Tequila”, with two restaurants in Guadalajara has achieved to be a reference for Mexican Cuisine. We are sure that the proposal that “La Frambuesa” and “La Tequila” will create unforgettable memories.
Along with the festival you will be able to enjoy from a photographi exhibition of raspberries, you will also find for sale Cajeta from sayula with rspberry jam (a most to try in the destination), raspberry punch, Sayula pottery and the well recognized Ojeda knifes.
The second Raspberry Gastronomic Festival will take place from October 24th – 26th and from the October 31st – November 2nd.
- Tags:
- Events
- Gastronomy

Mary Carmen López
Más de 10 años de trayectoria en la idustria hotelera, Lic. en Administración Hotelera y Turística, con especializaciones en Mercadotecnia y Ventas. Se ha desarrollado profesionalmente en diversos hoteles en México y en el extranjero enfocándose en los últimos años en la hotelería boutique. Apasionada por el turismo en México busca en cada viaje conocer lo más destacado a nivel cultural, gastronómico e histórico de cada destino.
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