San Sebastián del Oeste
San Sebastián del Oeste, Jalisco
San Sebastián del Oeste is a municipality of Jalisco state. It is located at the west of the state, in the Occidental Sierra region.
To Puerto Vallarta – 46 miles – 1 hr. 18 min.
To Guadalajara – 156 miles – 3hrs. 20 min.
To Tepic – 98 miles – 3hrs.
From Guadalajara: The best form to get to San Sebastián del Oeste is through the highway Guadalajara – Tepic, after you will thake the federal road number 90 that goes from Puerto Vallarta, crossing Mascota, and 35 miles ahead taking the roa to San Sebastián, that is only 3 miles from there.
From Puerto Vallarta: To San Sebastián del Oeste, you should take the Highway No.70 to the north and detour in Las Palmas by the track to take the way to San Sebastián.
Among the typical dishes of San Sebastián we can find pozole, birria (goat cooked meat with chili sauce), enchiladas, tostadas and tamales.
If you like sweets , the fruit roll candies and the cajetas are a must.
Beverages: Atole, coffee, eggnog and punch.
San Sebastián del Oeste is characterized for the production of saddlesse caracteriza por la producción de sillas de montar, leather goods, carved wood and textile; the best souvenirs for gifts and to take a little of San Sebastián back home.
The main attractions in San Sebastián del Oeste:
The Mexican pavillion: Located in the south side of the main square. It is a place to see due to their architectonical characteristics thats presents that are from the XIX century. Nowadays it is a Hotel with a variety of attractions as the "Garitón" that is at the backside of the construction.
Portal Morelos: Located in the north area of the main square. In its interior you will find traditional businesses that preserve the look and the names of the past.
El Mesón: One of th e architectonical jewels of the town, it is an inn constructed in 1729, the inscription of the foundation was found in the well of the property. Today the place maintains its design as well as its operation.
Los macheros, classified as an Historic Monument, located in Hidalgo Street. It used to work as an stable.
Machine ruins: From the XVII century, located at the north of the town. This construction used to shelter the machine use for the minning processes.
It is highly recommended to take long wlaks through the town, to get to know the daily life of the town, enjoy the landscapes and improve form the nature.