A dish that has been symbol of the Mexican gastronomy since its creation due to its background, its ingredients and colors that remeber us the Mexican flag.
The legend says that in 1821, at the end of the independece war, after winning the insurgentes went to Córdoba (in Veracruz state), leaded by Agustín Iturbide crossing by the state of Puebla on their way. The bishop Antonio Joaquín Pérez heard the news about such an important personality and he request a banquet to be prepare in his honor.
The banquet consisted in several traditional dishes that were prepared by the agustinian nuns, within the dish selection one of the courses they selected were the “stuffed chilis covered in walnut sauce”. The Agustinian nuns as well as the entire population were excited with this refreshig patriotic feeling, so they decided to garnish the dish with the colors of the Insurgentes flag; persil for the green, the walnut sauce for the white and the seeds of the granada for the red. An exotic mix of sweet and salty flavors that will thrill your palate.
A dish that is prepared from July to September as it is the time where you can find the ingredients that are used in its recipe and it is a great way to celebrate the Mexican independence in September.
The season has started and Mesón Sacristía de la Compañía invites you to taste this delicacy or even take cooking classes where you will discover all the secrets of the recipe.
- Tags:
- Gastronomy

Más de 10 años de trayectoria en la idustria hotelera, Lic. en Administración Hotelera y Turística, con especializaciones en Mercadotecnia y Ventas. Se ha desarrollado profesionalmente en diversos hoteles en México y en el extranjero enfocándose en los últimos años en la hotelería boutique. Apasionada por el turismo en México busca en cada viaje conocer lo más destacado a nivel cultural, gastronómico e histórico de cada destino.
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