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    Bloggers and Vloggers, influencers in different generations

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    Bloggers and Vloggers, influencers in different generations

    While it is true that the term BLOGGER has seen a boom in the last decade and that it is very common to see people that are professionally devoted to this activity, I can tell you for the surprise of many that blogger exist since 1997.

    It was in that year that the trend started. People could through a weblog – which was a space in the web – create a sort of log where they could give their point of view abput a product, place, general topic, et al, thus creating the current BLOGGERS. All of them are in charge of content creation attractive to certain audiences. However, most of them talk about their lifestyle. Their most important job is based of text writing or BlogPost which are published on a web site with amazing photographs and videos to complement the written part, all in a casual and subjective manner.

    With time and the rising of new social networks, as well as the constant evolution of the existing ones, bloggers’ work became for many “a thing of the past”. Now there would be those who would do the same work but leaving written texts aside. It was only a matter of taking a video camera and make it your ally to record yourself and do the same labor in a more practical manner. These videos are uploaded to the most famous digital video platforms, mainly You Tube. Another change was the name given to those doing this work, letter B was substituted by V, giving birth to VLOGGERS.

    Many people are not familiarized with this term yet, and it is common that they believe there is a typo, but it is not so. There are very clear differences in their work style, and both have different audiences. Vloggers are better known by recent generations, while bloggers are recognized by those who lived their youth at the end of the 1990’s and the naught decade.

    The work of both of them is to be opinion leaders in the digital world, but in spite of their fame and number of followers, all are common people trying to connect with people through their contents, earning their trust and credibility with strategic content of interest for everyone.

    At Mexico Boutique Hotels we know about the importance of the work of this kind of media, taht is why we are always organizing our already popular BLOGTRIPs where we invite the best amd most professional representatives to visit our hotels and share with their audiences the marvelous that our #ButiqueLife is.

    If you are interested in being part of these projects, we invite you to call or write to us at

    1 855 2236061


    Angela Ortega (Eng)

    Born in the central region of Mexico, but having lived most of her life in the beautiful state of Nayarit, Angela fell in love with this area’s landscapes and its natural beauty. With the firm conviction from an early age that she wanted to be part of the way tourism was managed in her state and the country at large, she studied a degree in Tourism Management and Development at the Technological University of Nayarit. Immediately following her studies, she immersed herself in the world of hospitality in Puerto Vallarta, an iconic city within Mexico known for its wide range of hotels. Working within this field, she took various positions, which allowed her to develop many skills such as teamwork and great service as well as to learn about the standards of operations at a large hotel complex. After taking a break from the hotel industry for personal reasons, her path met Mexico Boutique Hotels, a company that closely matched her personal convictions, which involve presenting Mexico to the world as a brand that guarantees memorable experiences thanks to its natural beauty and the excellent hospitably of its people who by their very nature provide great service and are excellent hosts. Angela currently serves as Chief E-Concierge and Travel Designer for the aforementioned company, offering travelers the opportunity to live a different experience every day, where attention to details make a huge difference.

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