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    8 simple pleasures to enjoy the Banderas Bay

    Visiting the Banderas Bay and the Pacific coast is an enriching experience whose memories will last a lifetime. There exists an array of activities which allow you to know and live first-hand the costumes and traditions of the... read more

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    Star in the sea. Discover bioluminiscence in Holbox island

    Sea, in all its immensity, keeps amazing secrets. Secrets that, upon discovered, have marveled the world; from mysterious being living in the depth to extraordinary phenomena that seem to be part of fantasy. Such is the case of... read more

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    May the Mexican movies be golden again… Morelia Film festival 2017

    "Movies are a world of fragments". Phrase of jean-Luc Godard, famous filmmaker and movies critic of French-Swiss origin. How right is Jean-Luc, movies are a magical world made of fragments, of all those moments that give life to... read more

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