From January 23th – 31st enjoy of the 31 edition of this year that takes place every year and gather artists and tourists from all around the world. The festival takes the name after the Doctor and singer originary from Álamos, Sonora.
The general program of this edition includes an international that explores a variety of music styles, from singing to chamber music, rock, poo, blues, latin jazz, salsa, traditional mexican music and more.
This will be the second year that the Digital Ortiz Tirado Choir wll be present, youngs and adults will be able to participate through a audio & viedo filmed from their computer, tablet or cell phone, they will perform Amapola, one of the most recognized themes from the Doctor.
For more information visit: http://www.festivalortiztirado.gob.mx/index.html
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Más de 10 años de trayectoria en la idustria hotelera, Lic. en Administración Hotelera y Turística, con especializaciones en Mercadotecnia y Ventas. Se ha desarrollado profesionalmente en diversos hoteles en México y en el extranjero enfocándose en los últimos años en la hotelería boutique. Apasionada por el turismo en México busca en cada viaje conocer lo más destacado a nivel cultural, gastronómico e histórico de cada destino.
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